Our Mission
Love God – Love people – Make Disciples of Christ
Our Vision
Advance the Kingdom of God in and through the lives of all who attend Hope Church, in their families, neighborhoods and workplaces, in our community, and among the nations.
Guiding Principles and Values
Biblically Centered
Spirit Led
Corporate Worship
Making Disciples
Marriage and Family
Congregational Life and Fellowship
Mission and Outreach
We believe in the Triune God, the one God who exists in three eternal Persons-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that God the Son (Jesus) became a man, died for our sins and rose from the dead, and through Him alone one can receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. We believe that faith in Christ is necessary for salvation and those without Christ will not be saved. We believe we are saved by the unmerited grace of God and not by our good deeds. We believe that good deeds are the evidence of our faith.

The AFLC is a fellowship of independent congregations, who have chosen to be interdependent for the purpose of accomplishing service in the Kingdom of God that cannot best be done alone. The Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (AFLC) was organized in 1962 by 40-50 congregations of the former Lutheran Free Church (LFC) and has grown to become the fourth largest Lutheran church body in the United States with over 270 member congregations. www.AFLC.org