
At least 10 percent of all the offerings received at Hope Church are given to mission ministries. Each year our missions board chooses which ministries they will support that year. Their support is not only financial but also through encouragement and prayer. Each Sunday the various missions that Hope Church Supports are highlighted.

For more information about Hope Church Missions contact the office at 612-521-3547        or email: info@hopechurchmn.com


Our vision for Hope Lutheran is to be a “Mission Church”; not only to have a Mission Program.
“And this Good News about the Kingdom will be preached through all the world for a witness to all people.” Matthew 24:14
Go, then, to all the peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teach them to obey everything that I have commanded you.

” Matthew 28:19-20


We will support our Missions in Local, National and International Outreaches through monthly financial support which is subject to change decided by the Mission Board. We will give financial support for individual and group requests from Hope Lutheran members going on Mission Trips. We will meet monthly to pray for our Missions and decide about monthly financial requests from outside Missions. We will invite our Missionaries and Mission Organizations to share throughout the year with our Mission Board and congregation.

These are missions that Hope Lutheran supports for 2016/2017:
Arise Ministries serves with Bible Studies in the juvenile jails (www.ariseministriesinc.org)
Association Free Lutheran Congregations Bible School (www.aflc.org)
Chosen People Ministries reaches Jewish People and others with the Gospel (www.gnfi@chosenpeople.com)
Marie Sandvik Center inner city outreach for the needy (www.mariesandvikcenter.org)
Minnesota Family Institute training & support in Judeo-Christian values (www.mfc.org)
Robbinsdale Women’s Center Christian pro-life ministry (www.robbinsdalewomen.org)
Association Retreat Center (ARC) (http://www.arc-aflc.org/)
AFLC Home Missions U.S. church planting arm of AFLC (www.aflchomemissions.org)
AFLC World Missions supports missionaries around the world (www.aflc.org)
CRU Serstad family support. Radunzel support (https://www.cru.org/)
World Missions and Evangelism Jim and Cindy Lilly (https://worldmissionsevangelism.com/)
Guyanese Outreach assists pastors, provides education (www.guyaneseoutreach.org)
Lutheran Bible Translators Josh & Ruth Wagner working in Sierra Leone (ruthlee86.blogspot.com)
Native Mission Movement Bible schools, orphanages, plant churches (www.nmmindia.org)
Navigators Read family support in East Asia(www.navigators.org)
The Pastor’s Study Television Ministry of Pastor Tom Brock (www.pastorsstudy.org)
Youth with a Mission Emmanoeiel family training leaders in NA (www.ywam.org)
Recent Missions: Mission Hope – Community Outreach watch the video here
Previous Mission: India
Click Here to learn more about our India Trip!